Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ending Truth and Beauty,

As the world turns
The sun rises each day
Over Japan, across the continents
Passing over mountains,oceans and valleys

That is truth,
Absolutely guaranteed

But now I see a leader
whose goal is destroying truth
Nothing is impossible
If he sends a wave of destruction

That is truth,
absolutely guaranteed

The sun cannot be stopped
from running its course
But millions could be removed
without a trace, from its track

The sun will indeed be blotted out
The day another nuc
Finds its way on target
As this time others will not turn a blind eye

With every action
There is an equal and opposite reaction
That is truth
Absolutely guaranteed.

Beauty is in the eye of beholder
But that is in life
And nature, and love
That is in being alive

To erase life
Is to end beauty
The ending of beauty
The end of truth

And all of this
because a mad cow boy
has a problem
If someone else has his toys


American Muslima Writer said...

Fabulous, especially nice ending

Unknown said...

I love your poem, meaningful and the last lines are so nice, now its ten year you wrote this 10 years before, i wish you to come active here in blog again, if you like please write poem to post on the blog section of Muslim matrimonial website.